2 posts categorized "International"

I wish I worked there

By Cecilia Brenner at 9:54 AM

Categories: Books, International

Ever wanted to look inside the most creative spaces in business? Well, now it is your chance to go behind the scenes of 20 famous brands, such as Nike, Lego, Virgin,...and Philips Design, who places innovation and creativity at the heart of their working culture, demonstrating how they have used their own unique creativity to design stimulating places to work at.   



Getting out of the box

By Cecilia Brenner at 12:07 PM

Categories: Books, International

GettingOutOfTheBox Who would have thought that my first addition to F + S would be about a book I’ve read a while ago…but here’s the thing… this book made me think and it might make you think, if you let it.


As many of us, you might think you are a people person. But are you really having the right effect on those around you? Or are your undermining your own success - and others?

Be prepared to step out of your box and open your eyes to a whole new way of living and working.



Foxes + Sparrows looks at how professionals who started in traditional user experience roles have transitioned to broader ones... Read More
