One Show's UnConference
By mehera o'brien on July 08, 2010
Categories: Conferences
This was about two months ago here in New York and was amazing. The entire purpose of the UnConference is an open format that inspires interesting dialogue about different topics in the industry. For me, it was a nice opportunity to step away from the ins and outs of managing a team and designing niggly things everyday to thinking about the bigger picture of where we're at in time. And how the evolution of digital technology and our interaction and adoption with it in our lives governs how we live as a global society. Ok, some of the seminars were functional and I accidentally ended up in a debate about Agile vs. Waterfall project management methodologies (how did that happen?). But, for the most part, I attended thought-provoking seminars and met really intelligent people. People who wanted to talk, share ideas, garner feedback and be inspired. The general vibe was one of sharing and learning, rather than criticism or preaching from one's soapbox.
For two full days of break out sessions, including an evening of networking, the conference was also a great deal financially – $250 per ticket. For both days. As a New Yorker, it was a no brainer. The conference was well-organized. And creating two days of activity that feels fluid and relaxed, but is actually confined to an agenda, is really hard to pull off well. The only downside – all the break out sessions were in the same room, making it easy to float but hard to hear.
To check out the site (and track this conference for next year), check out the link: